How Do You Refinish a Teak Deck?
If you have a teak deck that’s starting to weather and age, you’re probably looking at the possibility of refinishing. At first glance the teak refinishing process can seem intimidating, but its actually an important way to increase the life of your deck.
The outstanding properties of teak are part of what makes this process so essential. Teak is dense and durable, with a high oil content that makes it ideal for decks. It also won’t shrink, and the grain of the wood holds fasteners so securely that a teak deck will last for decades.
The teak refinishing process starts with cleaning the teak wood. This can be down by applying a special cleaner with a brush, then scrubbing away mold, grease and any other stains with a stiff nylon brush.
After cleaning, the teak should be sprayed down with water to remove any residual cleaner, then left to dry. Deep stains can be bleached away using a special bleaching product, and make sure to wipe away any excess bleach when you’re done.
Once you’re done with that the teak needs to be sanded down. This will remove the gray surface grain, but be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to use the correct sandpaper. You can use an orbital sander to cut the amount of work you’ll need to do, but experience with this kind of tool is generally required.
When the sanding is done, wipe down the teak with a tack cloth, then apply teak sealer or oil to the wood. These products add protection by penetrating the grain, and you can use a bristle brush to put on a thin coat before you let it soak in. You can slow buff it out with a soft pad, but again, be sure to carefully follow the manufacturer’s suggestions or directions. If you add more thin coats, you’ll increase the level of protection and add to the surface luster as well.
There are a couple of additional things you should know about teak refinishing. Teak tends to dry slowly, and you can also buy protectants that guard against ultraviolet to slow the graying process.
Also, make sure you buy a quality teak sealer. You need to get the right kind of oil for your deck, and always follow the manufacturer’s directions.
Finally, its important to wear goggles, a respirator mask and gloves when you’re doing the sanding. Teak wood dust can act as an irritant, and you shouldn’t apply any varnish or polyurethane products to teak wood, as these will just peel off due to the oily, dense grain of the teak wood.
The refinishing process can get complicated, so don’t hesitate to call on a professional if you find yourself in over your head. The better the quality of the job, the longer you’ll be able to enjoy your teak deck when you’re done!
I did this as an overview of the teak refinishing process, used the keyword several times along with way. Please let me know if you need anything else.