3 Ways to Treat a Herniated Disc
A herniated disc occurs when water content is lost from discs in the spinal area as we age, and the discs start to dry out and become frail. When this happens, swelling occurs. These discs can start to disintegrate from as early as our teens. While it’s a natural process and generally pain-free, for some it can result in excruciating pain and lead to chronic pain in the neck or lower back. A herniated disc also referred to as a “slipped disc”, often affects the lumbar spine which is located between the lower ribs and hip area. Symptoms that are commonly experienced include a sudden, throbbing pain in the lower back that extends down to the leg.
Here, we’re going to look at three treatment methods that help with a herniated disc.
Three Ways to Treat a Herniated Disc
The first two treatment methods involve the patient undergoing surgery.
1) Artificial disc replacement: This is when the disc that’s causing the patient pain is removed and replaced with an artificial one. A tiny surgical incision is made in the pain area for the surgeon to locate the degenerative disc. Then, they carefully remove it and replace it with an artificial disc in the area located between the two bones.
2) Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF): This type of surgery helps to reduce pain symptoms being caused by a herniated disc in the neck or back area. Here, the surgeon will work on the cervical spinal column, making a small incision at the throat and in the front of the patient’s neck.
The final treatment method doesn’t require surgical intervention.
3) Anti-inflammatory injections: These injections can help to relieve chronic pain in the neck and back stemming from a herniated disc. The effects can often last long-term. An epidural steroid injection is the type often given to patients with a herniated disc and works by reducing inflammation in the problematic area.
There are several different treatment methods available for a person suffering pain due to a herniated disc. Here, we mentioned three of the main ones that can help provide a benefit: artificial disc replacement surgery, ACDF, and anti-inflammatory injections. Therefore, while surgical options can be helpful, they aren’t always necessary in every situation.
For more information about how to treat a herniated disc, check out Advanced Disc Replacement’s website. They are one of the leading experts in spinal restoration and provide a range of treatment options.